
Showing posts from February, 2022

When Advertising was Art...


19th century Firearms Advertising

Firearms Advertising of the 19th century:

Canada may be doomed...

  I am laying on my couch, recovering after working a crappy, back breaking  nightshift, sorting &  loading packages on delivery trucks, and now  watching videos of the Canadian Federal Government's telling one lie after another, as they try  to fanatically cling to the power that  the global pandemic gave them during the past two years...

The Hermit...

  A young man, I am not, and I am not yet an old man. I am neither well adjusted to this adult life, nor am I content with the state of my own existence. I can't remember details of yesterday, and I fear that long term damages from the several times I hurt my skull 20+ years ago. A strange, scary, downright frustrating, disturbing  and very potent paranoia has distorted  my "Self", and to avoid unnecessary strain because of how I may react to the people  I may cross paths with venturing outside, I quietly  remain within the confines of my safe,  small, vastly overpriced apartment with its view of the world from the 17th floor...FML.